黄卓,男,神经药理学博士,北京大学特聘研究员,博士生导师,1998.9-2002.7就读于北京大学药学院,获药学学士学位;2005.1-2008.5就读于英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)神经药理学系,获神经药理学博士学位;2008.5-2013.8在英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)药学院药理系从事博士后研究员工作; 2013年9月入选教育部新世纪人才支持计划并同时入选北京大学青年人才“百人计划”。
神经细胞的兴奋性取决于细胞表面离子通道的亚细胞分布、表达数量及其生物物理学特征。神经细胞兴奋性失常会导致许多神经或精神系统疾病,如癫痫病,神经痛等。本研究组主要应用离体脑切片和整体动物模型,通过采用细胞体电生理记录(somatic patch-clamping)、树突电生理记录(dendritic patch-clamping)、双光子显微钙离子荧光成像(two-photon calcium imaging)及谷胱氨酸释放(glutamate uncaging)等技术以揭示离子通道在不同亚细胞结构中的表达水平及其功能,并探索其在特定疾病中的病理学变化。
1. 神经元兴奋性调节机制研究
2. 难治性颞叶癫痫的发病机制研究
3. 成瘾记忆形成过程中,神经元兴奋性调节机制研究
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,81371432,T-type 钙离子通道与内侧颞叶癫痫的发病机制研究,2014/01-2017/12,在研,主持
3. “重大新药创制”科技重大专项课题(子课题项目);离子通道TRPM2和TRPM7靶标确认及候选化合物研究,2014/01-2016/12
5. 教育部新世纪人才支持计划,神经药理学
Peer-reviewed articles:
1. Liu YQ, Lai SR, Ma WN, Ke W, Zhang C, Liu SM, Zhang Y, Pei F, Li SY, Yi M, Shu YS, Shang YF, Liang J, and Huang Z (2017) CDYL suppresses epileptogenesis through repression of axonal Nav1.6 sodium channel expression. Nature Communication. Aug 25;8(1):355. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00368
2. Huang Z,Lujan R, Kadurin I, Uebele VN, Renger JJ, Dolphin AC, Shah MM. (2011) Presynaptic HCN1 channels regulate Ca(V)3.2 activity and neurotransmission at select cortical synapses, Nature Neuroscience. Apr;14(4):478-86
3. Huang Z, Lujan R, Martinez-Hernandez J, Lewis AS, Chetkovich DM, Shah MM. (2012) TRIP8b-Independent Trafficking and Plasticity of Adult Cortical Presynaptic HCN1 Channels. J Neurosci. Oct 17;32(42):14835-48.
4. Huang Z, Walker MC, Shah MM. (2009) Loss of dendritic HCN1 subunits enhances cortical excitability and epileptogenesis, J. Neurosci., Sep 2; 29(35):10979-88.
5. Martinello K, Huang Z, Lujan R, Tran B, Watanabe M, Cooper EC, Brown DA, Shah MM.(2015) Cholinergic afferent stimulation induces axonal function plasticity in adult hippocampal granule cells, Neuron, 85, 346-363
6. Li X, Liu D, Ma Y, Du X, Jing J, Wang L, Xie B, Sun D, Sun S, Jin X, Zhang X, Zhao T, Guan J, Yi Z, Lai W, Zheng P, Huang Z, Chang Y, Chai Z, Xu J, Deng H.(2017)Direct Reprogramming of Fibroblasts via a Chemically Induced XEN-like State. Cell Stem cell. Jun 20. pii: S1934-5909(17) 30185-6.
7. Huang Z, Li G, Aguado C, Lujan R, Shah MM. (2016) HCN1 channels reduce the rate of exocytosis from a subset of cortical synaptic terminals. Scientific ReportsJan 10;7:40257.
8. Huang Z & GibbA.J. (2014) Mg2+ block properties ofNMDA receptors in neonatal rat substantia nigra pars compacta dopaminergic neurones. J Physiol. 15; 592(10):2059-78.
9. Shah MM, Huang Z, Martinello K. (2013) HCN and K(V)7 (M-) channels as targets for epilepsy treatment. Neuropharmacology. Jun; 69:75-81.
10. Zhou J, Tang Y, Zheng Q, Li M, Yuan T, Chen L, Huang Z, Wang K. (2015) Different KChIPs compete for heteromultimeric assembly with pore-forming Kv4 subunits. Biophys J. 108(11):2658-69.
11. Ren LB, Wang XY, Xie Q, Liu JX, Huang Z, Du Ying, Wang JY (2007) Study on correlation of contents of light rare earth elements in rats’brains, Chinese Journal Of Analysis Laboratory,26, 108-111)
12. Ren LB, Wang XY, Xie Q, Liu JX, Huang Z, Du Ying, Wang JY (2007) Study on correlation of contents of light rare earth elements in rats’brains, Chinese Journal Of Analysis Laboratory, 26, 108-111)
13. Liu JX, Wang XY, Xie Q, Liu Y, Zhang JH, Huang Z, Ren LB, Du Y, Wang JY (2007) Study on the characteristics of content and distribution of light rare earth elements in rat testis, Journal of Hygiene Research, 06,734-736 )
14. Wang JY, Ouyang L, Liu YQ, Xie Q, Huang Z, Tu P F, Guo XL, Liu HS (2004), Preliminary attempt at the speciation of 25-elements in the chinese medicinal herb, China Journal Of Chinese Materia Medica,29, 753-759
15. Wang JY, Zhu HD, Ouyang L, Liu YQ, Wang XY, Huang Z, Wang NF, Liu HS (2004), Determination of trace Cs, Th and U in ten kinds of human autopsy tissues by ICP-MS, Specroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 24, 1117-1120
16. Huang Z., Wang Q., Wang JY (2003) RP-HPLC Method for Determination of Propofol in Human Serum, The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 19, 293-296
Signal Processing in Neuroscience, Springer, 2016
Invited seminars and talks:
1. Pre-synaptic HCN channels and excitatory synaptic transmission in the entorhinal cortex, Invited talk at Physoc. Annual Meeting in Manchester, UK, June 2010
2. CDYL controls neuron excitability by regulating the transcription of Nav1.6 sodium channels, Invited talk at Sino-Israel Workshop of Neuroscience: Ion channel, Synapse and Neuro-issues,Shanghai, China, April 2015
3. The epigenetic factor CDYL inhibits intrinsic neuronal excitability and suppresses epileptogenesis through repression of axonal Nav1.6 sodium channel expression, Invited talk at 6th International Conference for ion channels, QinDao China, June 2017
4. Status epilepticus induced downregulation of ERG3 potassium channels facilitates the development of epilepsy in mouse temporal lobe epilepsy model, Invited talk at 25th International symposium on Morphological sciences, Xi`an China, July 2017
Poster Presentations:
1. Zhang J, Huang Z. (2016) Blockade of HCN channels in nucleus accumbens cholinergic neurons prevents cue-induced relapse of cocaine-seeking, The seventeenth National Academic Seminar of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hefei, China 2016
2. XueqinJ, Zhuo H (2017) Dopamine D2 receptors Induce Functional Plasticity by Modulation of Axonal Cav3.2 Calcium Channels in Stellate Cells of Entorhinal Cortex, The 6th International Ion Channel Conference, Qing Dao, China, 2017.
3. XueqinJ, Zhuo H. (2016)Dopmaine D2 receptors Modulate Spatial Cognition via Axonal T-type Calcium Channels in Medial Entorhinal Cortex,The seventeenth National Academic Seminar of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hefei, China, 2016.
4. Shirong L, Zhuo H (2017) The Epigenetic Factor CDYL Inhibits Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability and Suppresses Epileptoge n e s is through Repression of Axonal Nav1.6 Sodium Channel Expression, The 6th International Ion Channel Conference, Qing Dao, China, 2017.
5. Shirong L, Zhuo H (2016) The Epigenetic Factor CDYL Inhibits Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability and Suppresses Epileptoge n e s is through Repression of Axonal Nav1.6 Sodium Channel Expression, The seventeenth National Academic Seminar of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hefei, China, 2016.
6. Kuo Xiao, Zhiming Sun, Minghua Fan, Jingliang Zhang, Xueqin Jin, Zhuo Huang (2017)Reduction in functional ERG3-mediated currents facilitates the progression of temporal lobe epilepsy in mice”The 6th International Ion Channel Conference, Qing Dao, China, 2017.
7. Liu YQ, Liang J, Huang Z. (2017) Epigenetic factor CDYL suppresses epileptogenesis through repression of axonal Nav1.6 channel expression, The 6th International Ion Channel Conference,Qing Dao, China 2017
8. Huang Z, Lujan R, Shah MM. (2010) Pre-synaptic HCN channels and excitatory synaptic transmission in the entorhinal cortex, SfN abstract
9. Huang Z, Lujan R, Shah MM. (2010) Pre-synaptic HCN channels and excitatory synaptic transmission in the entorhinal cortex, Journal of Physiology Proc Physiol Soc.
10. Huang Z, Lujan R, Shah MM. (2009) Effects of presynaptic HCN channels on entorhinal cortical glutamatergic synaptic transmission: implications for epilepsy, BNA abstract
11. Huang Z, Shah MM. (2008)Role of HCN1 subunits in Entorhinal Cortical neuronal excitability and epilepsy,Harden Conference abstract
12. Huang Z, Gibb AJ. (2008) Competition between memantine and magnesium for block of NMDA receptor channels in dopaminergic neurons of neonatal rat substantia nigra, Journal of Physiology Proc Physiol Soc
13. Huang Z, Brothwell S, Jones S and Gibb AJ. (2007) Deactivation kinetics of NMDA receptors in rat substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons, SfN abstract
14. Huang Z, Gibb AJ. (2007) Functional NMDA receptor on STN.Journal of Physiology Proc Physiol Soc, PC398
15. Huang Z, Gibb AJ. (2006) Magnesium block of NMDA receptors in dopaminergic neurons of neonatal rat substantia nigra pars compacta. Journal of Physiology Proc Physiol Soc , 3, PC157
Honors and Awards
1. UK Physiological Society Travel Award, UCL, 2010
2. UCL postgraduate Travel Award for SfN, 2007
3. UCL Old Student Association Scholarship, 2006-2007
4. UK Overseas Research Student Scholarship, 2005
5. Peking university scholarships by the International Health Exchange Center, 1999-2002